Play Quake 3 Arena Free

Bethesda is giving away Quake 3 Arena, after receiving $30K in QuakeCon charity donations!

Play a practice match against bots. Note, the bot performance is pretty sluggish in CPMA in comparison to Vanilla Q3. If you'd like to try out a 5+ player match, stick with Vanilla Q3. Join in on the action with others. The current servers are running the Challenge Pro Mode Arena and Quake 3. Update: Quake III: Arena is now free to claim on the Bethesda launcher for the next day or so. To claim the game, all you need to do is log into your account. Quake and Quake II were also free to. TODAY'S VIDEO ON QUAKE 3 ARENA FULL VERSION TOTAL MADNESS GAME PLZZ SUBSCRIBELINK-DOWNLOAD THE INSTALLA. Awesome remake of the PC game Quake Arena! Awesome remake of the PC game Quake Arena! Play with friends Powered by Y8 Account 151 Y8 Multiplayer Games 2,250. HTML5 76% 43,706 plays Country Shooting.

Quake 3 arena free download

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Quake 3 Arena

Welcome to the Arena, where high-ranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush.

Abandoning every ounce of common sense and any trace of doubt, you lunge onto a stage of harrowing landscapes and veiled abysses.


Your new environment rejects you with lava pits and atmospheric hazards as legions of foes surround you, testing the gut reaction that brought you here in the first place. Your new mantra: Fight or be finished.

Quake 3 Arena : How To Get It FREE!

To celebrate gaining $30K in charity donations during the 25th annual QuakeCon, Bethesda will give everyone Quake 3 Arena for 72 hours!

All you have to do is install, run and log into Launcher from 17 August 2020 (12 PM ET) until 20 August 2020 (11:59 PM ET), and Quake 3 Arena is yours!

Note : If you don’t see it, click on the menu and select Check for Updates. If that fails, log out of the Launcher, and back in again.

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Enter the Arena. Ancient gods and terrible powers have created the Arena, a spectacle of warfare and bloodshed. This game has no end, it has no winner, it only has combat. Playing the part of a gladiator in this arena, it is your goal to crush, maim, and kill your way to the top of the list, no matter the cost.

To put it simply, Quake III is the most advanced first person shooter created by Id Software, the great grandfather of modern first person shooters. Id Software has taken most of the technologies developed in Quake and Quake II, and put them to good use in this sequel. However, the question that begs to be asked is whether or not the lack of gameplay improvements can be outweighed.


Quake III Arena made an impressive showing in the PC market and now that it’s been brought over to the Dreamcast, it will get a chance to do the same. With multiplayer features never yet exploited in a Dreamcast title, Quake III may have a lot to offer.


Gameplay is the first and foremost problem facing any console based first person shooter. When it comes down to it, the movement and combat features of a controller, even one as advanced as the Dreamcast’s, pales in comparison to the control and utility provided with a mouse and keyboard. However, with what little they’ve been given, Id Software has made lemonade out of lemons, using the Dreamcast controller to its full capability. The analog stick is used to control aiming, and movement and fire control are easily handled with the thumb and forefinger buttons.

The game itself revolves around moving throughout a level, bearing any number of nasty weapons, while collecting the firepower, ammunition, items, and armor necessary to deal death to your opponent. Essentially a one-on-one deathmatch, you win by collecting frags, which are earned after killing your opponent. Of course, those same ancient beings that brought you to the arena also resurrect you after each death to prolong their amusement.


By far, the graphics for Quake III Arena are its strongest point. A slightly lower grade than the PC version, they are nonetheless still very impressive. Colorful weaponry effects and luscious textures make each arena seem more an art show than a game, with amazing scenery and bizarre architecture.Id Software hasn’t skimped on the lighting and special effects either. With an almost uncanny sense of what weaponsfire should look like, anyone who lights up their target with a stream of machine gun fire won’t be disappointed.

The only flaw in the design of Quake III Arena’s visuals is the lack of real Level of Detail programming. Based on the concept that distant items don’t need to be given as much detail, this technique can greatly reduce the strain on the console, and greatly improve the games performance. Sadly, this element is missing from Quake III Arena.


Once again, although they aren’t much to write home about, Quake III Arena’s sounds are a near perfect replica of those from the PC game. When the bombast of rockets explode around you, you’ll come to appreciate the quality of this sound.

Play Quake 3 Arena Free


As an added bonus, Quake III Arena is fully compatible with, the online service that supports Dreamcast players. With the built-in modem, area for four controllers, and a large enough television, you could participate in quite an interesting multiplayer experience.

Bottom Line

Quake 3 Free Play

Quake 3 free play

Quake III Arena is close enough in quality and composition to the PC title to be considered a very faithful transition. The graphics, audio, and gameplay stack up to the original version, with the only flaws being evident in the control style, and lack of variety in gameplay (unlike games such as Unreal Tournament). With the added element of multiplayer support, Quake III Arena is one of the best first person shooters I’ve seen on a console system. If you’re a first person shooter fan, it is definitely worth buying, and even if you're not, it's worth renting a few dozen times.

Quake 3 Arena Free Download

Overall rating: 8