
Despite the fact that I have made good use of this shirt, over six plus years of ownership, it is heading to the thrift shop. It is an awkward cut and fabric combination which, in turn, renders it an awkward fit. My earliest memory of being terrified of public speaking was formed in elementary school-and I wasn't even the one speaking. One of my classmates was by far the largest student in the class; at least six inches taller and 30 pounds heavier than the.

Diary of a Quarantined Kid: 10 Activity Challenges Inspired by Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid “…the brain is like a muscle, and if you don’t exercise it by reading and doing creative stuff, it’ll get weak and mushy.” Greetings from the video guys at Launch Media! If you like to read and you […]

Did you hear that things are stressful and overwhelming, but we will get through this together? We don’t need to recount the state of affairs to you. But, we do want to reflect on the collective response and how we can better respond. May is Mental Health Month, and there couldn’t be a better time […]


Right now, businesses and organizations across industries are implementing new HR policies and safety protocols to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. When in person training is not the safest option, conducting virtual training is an effective way to implement new mitigation policies and safely train your workforce. Direct message for instagram 4.1.6 mac crack free. download full. Here’s 3 reasons why virtual training works. […]

My favorite things blog

Despite stay at home orders and social distancing measures, celebrations have continued and people are finding really creative ways to mark anniversaries, religious traditions, and birthdays! Of course, Mother’s Day is no exception. Moms definitely needs extra love and support right now. May 10th is right around the corner, so we put together a gift […]

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In 1995, Marvel created National Superhero Day to honor the superheroes who defend us against the bad guys in comics and movies, and those who defend us from evils in real life – like COVID-19. But, our heroes don’t wear capes or shoot webs, they’re just ordinary people doing extraordinary work to make a difference. […]

Can you believe this is week 6 of the stay at home order? Neither can we. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or fairly content, we’ve got some ideas to brighten up your days at home. Here’s 6 tips to keep you sane while we continue the #StayAtHome life. 1. Have a one-song dance party every […]


Did you know that the augmented reality and virtual reality market in the United States has nearly doubled since 2019? (Statista) That growth is indicative of a valuable trend that’s here to stay. But, what is it? And, how can your business benefit from virtual reality and augmented reality? VR and AR are both experiential […]

Everyone is vulnerable to crisis. The only question is when crisis occurs, are we prepared to respond? And, if the answer is no, then how can we do better next time? We know how to plan for a crisis. As businesses, the key to productive crisis communication communication is your preparation. We need a plan, […]

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” ― William Faulkner I don’t need to recount the events of the past few weeks to you. We have all had no choice but to swim from the shore and forge a new course. Where do we go from […] Spotify installer not working.

It’s hard to get your message out when we all have to stay in. Consider how animated content could work for you and help your message stand out when you need to stay in. 1. Stand out When our feeds and inboxes are saturated with news updates, rumors, and notifications, the online world feels even more […]

Matters of health are always close to the heart. They’re high stakes, cause for anxiety and concern, and they need to be considered delicately. Now, more than ever, as we deal with Covid-19, we’re realizing the close relationship between health and emotion. And, it can be difficult to express in person, much less in a […]


Blog About Learning New Things

Small things blog instagram

Old Things New Blog

It’s back to school time, but the usual anticipation of summer’s end feels a little different this year. While students and parents are eager to get back into the classrooms, looming coronavirus concerns post many uncertainties about what the coming year will look like. The virtual learning industry has grown by leaps and bounds since […]